National Pharmacies


The health & wellness industry continuously evolves to better serve the needs and concerns of today’s consumers.

After 110 years of caring for the community, National Pharmacies sought to refresh its brand image to better reflect the organisation of today.

Extensive consultation at all levels of the business and armed with the formalisation of the organisation’s purpose, the new brand mark was developed to define its two core tenets – care & the community.

The branding further extended to reinvigorate Optical by National Pharmacies and position the organisation for future evolutions in the health & wellness sector.

Respectful of the past, but inspired by the future.

From the initial formalisation of their brand purpose, to the development of a new brand mark, full suite of branded assets and additional outdoor and TV executions, we are delighted to have worked hand in glove with National Pharmacies to bring their new look to life.